Who we are
Art printing enthusiasts
Organizers of the largest art print fair in Russia
Ildar Iskakov
Photographer, entrepreneur, art collector, owner/operator of Print Mafia - leading art printing silkscreen studio in Moscow
Elchin Ali-zade
Graffiti writer, curator, marketing specialist, art collector, owner/operator of Format1.net online gallery & publishing house

What we do
Best in class Fine Art printing for leading Russian contemporary artists
Over 350 limited art editions skillfully
hand-crafted in Print Mafia since 2014.
More than 60% of them are sold-out

We use heavyweight 100% cotton Italian or French paper and premium water-based Italian paint. Every color is hand-mixed by master-printer

Our approach includes full artist involvement in all stages of art printing - from paper selection & color approval to printing and additional hand-finishing

We prefer to produce small editions - usually, it is 5 - 40 copies

The editions we published are in demand by local and international art collectors, galleries and private collections

Print market "The taste of paper"
Largest art print fair in Russia. 9 fairs since 2014. Up to 20 000 visitors during the weekend.
Up to 5 000 editions & 100 participants (artists, galleries, print studios). Public talks, masterclasses, educational program, and parallel program (print residency for the artists, specially curated editions with local media, etc.)

Various cultural and educational initiatives, related to contemporary urban culture and art printing
Site-specific murals curation & production, pop-up exhibitions, educational streams & master-classes, consulting for art festivals

What we want to do together with
The Montresso Art Foundation
Fine-art silkscreen studio in Jardin Rouge

We want to:
1. Build a fully functional art printing studio in Jardin Rouge from scratch

2. Curate & print 20+ specially made limited art editions by Montresso residents

3. Set-up the processes & train 2 or 3 local people to make the studio up & running when we will leave

Budget*: 15 000 EUR
(printing equipment, paper, paint, consumables + shipping)

Timing*: 3-5 month
(setting the studio up, training, production of 20 editions)

*subject to change depending on the agreed set-up

What's good about that idea?
First fine art print studio in the region
New artistic medium for residents
Affordable yet original pieces of art for the upcoming shop
Additional source of income for Montresso: art printing and merch printing for local community

Potential artists to collaborate with during the first 20 editions production:

David MESGUICH | Denis TEVEKOV | Dominique ZINKPE | Hendrik BEIKIRCH | JON ONE | MAD C
Mohamed Saïd CHAIR | POES | SY I Vitaly TSARENKOV